Hair Growth

I always found it amazing to think that every single hair on our body has its own unique genetic programming. During our lives our genetic programming influences our hormones and that in turn effects the individual hair. Some of our hairs grow fine; these downy hairs known as Vellus hair cover the majority of our body. The thicker hairs which cover areas that need greater protection and thermal regulation such as the scalp, pubic area, underarms, beards and even on arms and legs are called Terminal hairs. It is during puberty that more of the Vellus hair are replaced by Terminal Hairs. It is also these continued hormonal changes throughout our lives that cause Terminal hair to appear in other areas, like my one lone thick black hair on my chin that appears to grow over night in sync with the full moon.    

Individual hairs do not grow continuously they have a predetermined Life Cycle happening deep inside the hair’s follicle; the Dermal Papilla and hair root. Good news for us, as this means anything, we do to our hair above the scalp will have no impact on the hair’s Life Cycle and its ability to continue growing.

A hair’s Life Cycle and the number of cycles per follicle is unique to each of us and to each and every single hair. It is determined by our genes and may be further influenced by factors such as health, lifestyle, medication, stress and pregnancy. 

On average we have about 150,000 hairs on our head and losing about 100 hairs a day is normal. I did think for a while I was losing more hair when I started to notice larger hair balls building up in the corner of my bathroom. And Yes, I did sit down and count! To my relief, the larger hair balls were a result of my hair being longer and not due to the quantity I was losing.

Don’t be tempted to pull out the hair especially when you note those first white hairs. Every hair that is pulled will kick-start the next Life Cycle and as there are a finite number of Life Cycles so you may be shortening the length of time that follicle will produce hair. Waxing, plucking and threading uses this theory to its benefit, eventually removing sufficient Life Cycles that the follicle stops producing the hair.

How to make our hair grow fastest and thicker?  We cannot, that programming is already predetermined by our genes but we can ensure it grows to that predetermined speed and thickness with healthy lifestyles. If your bodying is lacking or struggling it will deprioritise hair, nails and skin, as it attempts to direct valuable energy to vital functions. This helps to explain when tired, stress or ill our hair looks limp, dull and does not appear to grow as fast. But immediately back off a vacation or a positive change of lifestyle our hair is superb.

Buyer beware, avoid being caught out by incredible claims of thicker faster growing hair. Teams of scientists are still trying to find a solution. There are supplements available and admittedly I take one myself to help maintain my hair quality, as I have experienced the negative effects of stress, international moves and life changes have had on my hair, for me it appears to be helping to get me back to where my hair should be. Genetically we are designed to have a given texture, diameter, colour and Life Cycle for each hair follicle and no potion or lotion can give us more or faster growing than what has been pre-designed into our genes.  

I am going to add one exception without delving too deeply into the topic of hair loss. There are some known ingredients such as Minoxidil and Finasteride that are medically accepted to regrow hair. Finasteride an oral medication available on prescription for men only. Minoxidil a topical application available mainly through pharmacies for both men and women. They work by extending the Anagen phase, that can result over time in the hair growing back to its original thickness. There is no guarantee of success and the products must be used daily, if treatment stops the hair will return to its shorter growth cycle and thinner appearance.

The science:

I would love to add the link to this image, I found it many years ago when researching content for my Sexy Science Training. If anyone can help find the source please let me know .

Anagen – Growth Phase

  • The hair is being nourished and forming at the root source
  • Duration is 2-7 years, variable throughout our lives and throughout our head!
  • May shorten as we age becoming thinner after each cycle
  • 85% of the hair on our heads is at this stage

Catagen – Transitional Phase

  • The hair is detaching itself for the root source
  • Interval approximately 10 days
  • It is no longer growing  

Telogen – Resting Phase

  • The hair is fully detached and suspended within the hair follicle wall
  • Duration approximately 3-5 months
  • 15% of the hair on our heads is at this stage

Here’s to your unique hair growth.
