Hairy Resolutions 2019

Hairy Resolutions 2019

Starting a New Year can feel really good, wiping the slate clean and starting afresh. I probably have a lot of the same kind of resolutions as many of you have; eat better, exercise more, hug friends and family for longer and often. This year I am adding 11 Hairy Resolutions, putting my knowledge into my own hair practice.

Here goes:

  1. Get my hair tidied up every 8-10 weeks; to keep it looking healthy and less fractured.
  2. Brush my hair before shampooing; loosens up a lot of ‘stuff’ that might have got trapped in the hair between shampoos.
  3. Comb my conditioner through, every time; it only works where it touches.
  4. Comb my longer hair from the ends to the middle lengths, and then from the middle lengths to the root area; reduce breakage and knotting.
  5. Leave my conditioner on for at least 3-mins; to help it sink into the hair, it will do a better job.
  6. Over rinse my shampoo and under rinse my conditioner; former to thoroughly remove the dirt from the hair and the latter as I want to maintain as much of the conditioning as possible.   
  7. Comb when wet and brush when dry; helps to reduce friction and minimise hair breakage and split ends.
  8. Start using a scalp treatment; it too often gets neglected and it is after all the source of a healthy hair growth.
  9. Give my hair a weekly treatment of either a ‘Plex’ to strengthen my bleached sections or moisturising for my longer lengths that can end up looking a bit more dried out in winter.
  10. Remember to take my hair supplement as it appears to help maintain my hair to its maximum potential.
  11. Finally, try a few different looks this year, now that my hair is a bit longer, I should practice a few additional options beyond the ubiquitous pony tail.

Wishing you all a great 2019 and lots of perfect hair days.
